你没表情别人就会说太嚣张 如果你天生这种表情别人甚至会怪你妈妈 by~~周杰伦『超人不会飞』

我其实 不想一直当坏人

Saturday, April 30, 2011




然后 这种情绪似乎感染了二十岁之后的家人们

然后他买了酒 然后他煮了饭 然后我们开了口

开始聊天 家人 朋友 功课 生活 工作 未来 压力

后来 决定试试他一直以来那么正面的思考



不知是刚巧 还是正面思考带来的吸引力

真的令人开心了好久 而这几天也一直持续是这样的状态

然后那天老板打电话来 果然在令人呆闷的假期来临之前 就帮我预备好了工作

太好了 谢谢老板 你最帅了 啊哈哈


相信你要做的 就会做到


因为光有信念而不行动 或是盲目的行动而缺乏理智 得到的后果都是一样的






因为正面的能量 就会带来好运

不是幸运 而是人生本来就应该朝向正面方向行走

就好像 要看到阳光 就要将自己朝向日出的那个方向


ps: 在这篇文章发布的同时 家里那只只见过两次面 柔弱的小狗就这样去世了

借此悼念 ... 我们爱你~~

Friday, April 22, 2011

welcome to my life



do you ever feel like breaking down
do you ever feel out of place
like somehow you just dont belongs
and no one understands you

do you ever wanna run away
do you lock yourself inside your room
with the radio turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like, to be like me

To be hurt, to feel lost, to be left out in the dark
To be kicked, when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
When no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more
Before your life is over?

Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With the big fake smiles and stupid lies
Well deep inside you're bleeding

No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels alright
You don't know what it's like to be like me
To be hurt, to feel lost, to be left out in the dark
To be kicked, when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
When no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
No one ever lies straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay

Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like, what it's like
To be hurt, to feel lost, to be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
When no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's life

Welcome to my life

--simple plan


你问 二十岁生日怎么过的

我说 昏睡了一整天过的 相信吗

放手 不放手 是一种选择

快乐 不快乐 是一种选择后的感受

虽然忽视着 但不时会在心里揪一下

看看 还是会痛的

就算麻痹了 药效还是会过的 打过的针 皮肤还是会记得它曾经痛过的

蛋糕 我想念了

赤脚 我想念了

摩托车 我想念了

阳光 我想念了

记忆 原来不短

只是害怕去回忆 就觉得是忘记了


只是 现实让它被看做笑话了

失去了自我 还是改变了梦想 或是更本就从来没搞懂活着的意义


重要的是 时间把所有的曾经都刻下了

刻在每个人的心里 所以历史很重要


ps:迟看到的帖子 为什么post comment要等那么久呢? 可不可以先去睡觉 老人家对科技好像比较



Thursday, April 21, 2011

perfect nightmare- shontelle

sometimes we fight
sometimes i cry
why dont i just tell him goodbye
sometimes i should
but sometimes i dont
build up the strength to say that is wrong
sometimes i hate sometimes i love
sometimes i hurt sometimes i dont
sometimes i wait for him to change
but it's ok i just have to pay
and i dont ever wanna leave them alone
they say i'm brain-washed but i'm in love with this man
keep telling myself that its not worth it
i already know i dont deserve it
but if its from you i dont mind hurt it
this is my perfect nightmare
so when will i wake up and scream
no way
but if its from you i dont mind hurt it
this is my perfect nightmare
sometimes i keep it cool
sometimes i let them know
sometimes i even pack my bag and walk out the door
sometimes i feel safe
sometimes i really dont
sometimes i promise them i'm ready to let go
but i dont ever wanna leave them alone
they say i'm brain-washed but i'm in love with this man
keep telling myself that its not worth it
i already know i dont deserve it
but if its from you i dont mind hurting
this is my perfect nightmare
hoping he is changing
but i'm scare he is not
cant see a way to leave him
he opens my eye and i
keep telling myself that its not worth it
i aready know i dont deserve it
but if its from you i dont mind hurting
this is my perfect nightmare

Saturday, April 16, 2011


frecking frustrated
totally being offense
not that i'm being childish self centered or never think of others
its just that how would you expect me to give a nice smile and pretend nothing have had happen after how unrespectful others treat you??
not to blame others but what i can say is
there is no-one fault
just that i'm too stupid and trust others too easily
i fooled myself
like what you've said
i never learn from lessons
that's why in the end i mess up things and screw things up
and ruin my life
it ok if i ruin my life myself just feel so sorry if my behavior had ruin others' life as well
you were right
and you'll always be

Thursday, April 14, 2011


sometimes i am just too ego

i do what i want

i say out what i think

and never thought of the consequenses

spend nearly four figure a nite in a club

cause it just too little to late to get drunk

keep finding for part time work however final exams are coming soon

fill my one week of study leaves by not planning a nice study schedule but a full

working schedule


going club for twice in a week

what's wrong with me??

money minded and realistic and egostiatic

cant stand myself anymore

Monday, April 4, 2011





有点不知道发生什么事情的感觉 然后就明白了


好想自己的灵魂飘进她的身体里 好好感受在作出这样的决定之前和之后

那个心情的转折 回去到怎样的一个境界

然后我感觉到 平平的 淡淡的

当所有的决定 已经是定局时

就会发现 原来之前所有的犹豫 挣扎 矛盾的感觉

就好像空气一样 似乎不存在 但它其实 一直存在着

总是在最忙 最茫 最充满危机的时候

想逃到远远的 很远很远的

虽然具体上是不可能 但心灵可以做到





只是 一直缺乏 去感受自己的感受的能力

总是在想哭的时候 觉得没什么好哭的

总是在想笑的时候 觉得没什么好笑的

总是在很恐惧的时候 觉得一个人的恐惧在其他人眼里根本算不上什么

总是 没有办法 好好专心 去感受当下该有的感受

是个没有生命的人 由衷的 羡慕她

没有人会比其他人了解自己 但是 我却连自己也不了解自己

你问我 现在感觉怎样

我 不会看着你

